(June 23, 2023)
Hey folks, just a quick note to our members who were unable to attend our reunion this year. It was a great reunion, and I appreciate all those whose attendance ensured its success! It was a little smaller than in previous years, but nonetheless, the concert band and big band did a great job.
More to come on this later, but at our members meeting on Saturday, we re-elected the board, and I put out the word that we are changing to a reunion every two years, vice every year. There are a couple of reasons for this, but one is the feedback, from some members, about the cost. Therefore, the next reunion will be in 2025, our 30th year, and will be a traveling year.
Again, more to come on this, but I wanted to let everyone know what we are doing. I appreciate everyone’s support and look forward to making our 30th-year reunion the largest gathering yet!
All my best,